Phenotypic variability related to dominant UCHL1 mutations: about three families with optic atrophy and ataxia
C. Marelli, F. Ramond, I. Meunier
Introduction Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) has been associated with a severe, complex autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia (HSP79) [1] [2] [3] [4]. More recently, UCHL1 loss of function (LoF) variants have been associated to an autosomal dominant disease characterized by late-onset spastic ataxia, neuropathy, and frequent optic atrophy [5].
Methods Routine clinical care whole-genome (WGS) and exome (ES) sequencing.
Results We present three families with autosomal dominant UCHL1-related disorder. The clinical phenotype mainly associated optic atrophy, mixed cerebellar and sensory ataxia, and possible hearing loss. We delineated two major phenotypes, even within the same family: (1) juvenile severe optic atrophy followed by a later-onset ataxia, or (2) late-onset ataxia with asymptomatic or mild optic atrophy. The families harboured three novel heterozygous variants in UCHL1: two loss of function (p.Lys115AsnfsTer40; c.171_174+7del11), and one missense (p.Asp176Asn) involving the catalytic site of the protein and potentially altering the adjacent splice site.
Discussion We confirm the existence of dominantly inherited UCHL1 pathogenic variants. We describe a considerable intrafamilial phenotypic variability, with two main phenotypes. Optic atrophy was consistently present, but with varying degrees of severity. Neither delayed motor or intellectual development, nor dysmorphic features were part of the dominant phenotype in comparison with the autosomal recessive form. The molecular mechanism appears to be haploinsufficiency. UCHL1 monoallelic variants should therefore be considered in any case of early-onset optic atrophy or in late-onset complex ataxic syndrome with asymptomatic optic atrophy.